100 Deadliest Days of Driving - South Florida Car Accidents
May 05, 2021

While you may have heard of the 100 Deadliest Days of Driving, you may not know they actually occur in the summer months. Many people assume the deadliest days for drivers are in the winter months, where inclement weather results in dangerous conditions and numerous accidents. 

The 100 Deadliest Days of Driving occur in the summer months of June, July, and August. More specifically they are the days between Memorial Day in May and Labor Day in September. These days are considered the deadliest for drivers, carrying the highest risk of accidents. The National Safety Council reports approximately 10,000 traffic fatalities in this period annually. 

Why This Time of Year?

Summer Distracted Driving - South Florida

This period includes three major holidays – Memorial Day, Independence Day, and Labor Day – all big travel times for vacationers across the country. Plus, with school out for summer, a larger number of drivers are on the road, including teen drivers. 

During these 100 days of summer, it is estimated that Americans travel nearly 800 billion miles over longer distances for longer periods of time due to vacations and family visits. Plus, summer is the time of distracted driving, with friends, family, and children in the car. Even with the COVID-19 outbreak and the current re-opening phases, the trend will likely continue. If you are involved in a car accident this summer, please contact one of our six convenient South Florida locations for quick and long-term pain relief treatments. 

Let’s explore the ways you can stay safe on the road this summer during the 100 Deadliest Days of Driving. 

Tips for Safe Driving During the 100 Deadliest Days of Driving

Summer Driving Safety - South Floirda Car Accidents

  1. Always Buckle Up – No explanation needed, buckle up for safety, it’s the law and it is proven to keep you safer in the event of an accident.
  2. Be Alert – Stay focused and alert, not only on your driving but on those around you. Be aware of others and follow safe driving practices.
  3. Avoid Distractions – With passengers in your car, distractions will happen, but even when you are driving in the car alone, distractions can still take your eyes off the road. Avoid distractions from your phone, text, playlists, by turning off phones or using hands-free devices to lower your risk of accidents. (NOTE: While in Florida texting and driving is prohibited, talking on your phone is not, but this is not the case in some states, so know the law and practice safety while traveling.)
  4. Be Well-Rested – If you are traveling it is important that you be rested before getting behind the wheel for long distances. Lack of sleep can slow your reflexes and reactions which can cause accidents. 
  5. Stay Sober – You should never drive under the influence of alcohol or other substances. Summer parties bring greater opportunities for drinking, making it extra important to make certain you are always completely sober. If not always designate a driver who is not drinking to handle the driving. 

Most Common Car Accident Injuries 

What are the most common injuries after a car accident

Car accidents can have devastating circumstances including physical and emotional suffering. If you are involved in a car accident, it is important not to wait more than 14 days to seek medical care. If you wait longer than that, you may no longer be eligible for insurance compensation. The injuries you suffer in a car accident can vary from something as minor as a scratch to broken bones and spinal injuries. Here are the most common car accident injuries:

  • Whiplash: your body may move and shift suddenly causing pain and discomfort in your neck and shoulders.
  • Neck injuries: you may suffer pinched nerve as a result of an accident
  • Back injuries: intense and rapid force can cause herniations.
  • Head injuries: you may experience a concussion which can cause memory loss, headaches, irritability, and more.
  • Brain injuries: these injuries can change the way your brain functions and pose a serious threat.
  • Broken bones: you may hit parts of the vehicle during an accident resulting in broken bones.
  • Spinal cord injuries: these types of injuries may result in full or partial paralysis or problems with the movement of some other body parts. These damages may be temporary or permanent.

If You Suffer Car Accident Injuries 

Contact the chiropractors at County Line Chiropractic Medical & Rehab Centers if you are injured in an accident during the 100 Deadliest Days of Driving. They are ready to treat injuries of the neuromusculoskeletal system, alleviate your pain, and restore your health following an accident. 

*Note: All County Line Chiropractic offices are following strict CDC and State re-opening guidelines during the pandemic to keep you safe. 

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